Wilton Music Hall Wedding || Caitlin & Mark
Venue | Wilton's Music Hall, Wilton’s music hall, 1 Graces Alley, London E1 8JB
Highlights | Energetic ceilidh dance + just an amazing space to get married.
Band -The Ceilidh tree | Catering - The Gatherers
Wilton’s Music Hall Wedding
Today’s blog is featuring an exciting wedding I photographed at the Wilton's Music Hall. I cannot express how much I've always wanted to visit this unique wedding venue, I've seen all the photos online from previous wedding photographers, and i’m so excited to be able to share Caitlin and Mark’s wedding photos.
One of the great things about being a wedding photographer is experiencing all these amazing wedding venues, and Wilton's Music Hall is a place full of character and history, and a really interesting space for photographers from all genres to explore their creativity and playfulness.
The couple spent the morning getting married at Wilton, who have spacious rooms available upstairs to help you prepare for the big day ahead. During these morning moments I love to focus on capture the quietness, and the atmosphere felt in the room. I love layering people in my work, and you will see below examples how this technique can help change the story of an image, and keep your eye wandering.
I loved how chill the couple were all day, with booze and flowers transported and delivered across London by the families/friends, everyone was involved and got stuck in to make this day beautiful. Blow is a small snapshot of the day, and a collection of my favourite photos from the wedding day.
Wedding Photography at Wilton’s Music Hall